Amber Lynn Interview With CBS

I was honored when CBS News reached out recently and asked me to participate in a piece on mental health in the adult entertainment industry. During the interview, they took the time to discuss a lot more, too. Have a look, Amber Lynn fans – and I hope you enjoy it!

“Lynn said she has deep concerns for today’s porn performers. “When I was young, I never really felt like I was in a position where if something happened to me, I wouldn’t have somebody that I could turn to that would be able to see me through that dark period … the actors of today, we lose a lot of them, because there’s a lot of suicides, for many different reasons.” Full article on

Thanks again to CBS for asking me to contribute to this critical conversation affecting everyone in the modern adult business – especially newcomers – of which there are more entering porn on a regular basis than ever before.

The adult world can be a rewarding and fulfilling line of work, but it’s not for everyone. Future performers (and even fans) should be aware of the risks to mental health. I appreciate being given another forum to share my experiences.

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  • Amber Lynn on November 22, 2020
  • CindyQ_68 on December 22, 2019

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Amber Lynn and HBO’s “The Deuce”

While it recently celebrated its series finale, it was exciting to get an Amber Lynn mention on the final season of another HBO masterpiece, The Deuce. If you haven’t seen it, this wonderful show covers the trials and tribulations of many interesting characters during the birth of the adult industry – from every angle. Performers, directors, cops, mobsters and their families are all part of the story. So where did little ‘ol me fit in?

amber lynn the deuce
An eclectic cast of characters navigating the birth of porn. – Image from

Let’s start with the fundamentals. What was “the deuce”? What does it mean? Simply put, it was what we all called the strip from 42nd Street between Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue in New York City. While the majority of my time in the industry was spent in California, I did hit “The Deuce” a few times as a dancer (and civilian). At the time it was a lot of fun. This is where my shout out comes in…

amber lynn stripper

I don’t have a clip of the scene, but the dialogue speaks for itself. One of the main characters, a hooker turned porn star named “Lori Madison“, is down on her luck and visiting NYC. She drops in unannounced at a strip club she’s previously featured at in desperate need of money. There’s a scene with her talking to the manager which goes something like this (it’s been a few days since I watched the episode): 

  • Lori: I was hoping I could dance here this week. I’ve always done good by your club.
  • Manager: Lori, you know I love ya, but we’re booked up through the end of the week. I’ve got Amber Lynn as the feature!
  • Lori: Well maybe I could go on right before her. Give the fans an unexpected surprise?
  • Manager: Are you kidding? And cut into her tips right before she goes on? Amber would fucking kill me!

Flattering, and also… accurate. I definitely wouldn’t have stood for another adult star going on first when I was the feature. Be that as it may, I was thrilled to be mentioned on such a great show, along with many others including porn star Vanessa Chase, and encourage any fans who haven’t seen it to have a look at this remarkable tribute to NYC and the golden age of the adult industry.

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  • Spike L on November 20, 2019
  • Sinatraphile on November 17, 2019

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Amber Answers: Favorite Male Co-Stars?

As promised, fans, here’s my first video answer to your submitted questions. Several of you commented to inquire who my favorite guys were/are to work with? As I mention in the video, I could spend all day on this subject, but I’ve narrowed it down to a select few adult industry legends I’ve had the pleasure of filming with. Have a look!

The other top question I’ve been getting (no surprise) is who are my favorite female costars are to work with? Guess what? I’ll be answering that question in next week’s “Amber Answers”.

In the meantime, keep leaving your questions in the comments below and I look forward to sharing my many naughty memories with you all.

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  • Amber Lynn on November 23, 2020
  • Amber Lynn on November 6, 2019

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Netflix’s “The Kominsky Method” Features an Amber Lynn Cameo

I’ve never met him – not that I remember, anyway – but there’s a decent chance Michael Douglas is an Amber Lynn fan. I was beyond flattered to learn I’d been mentioned on his Netflix show when a friend sent me this article today. I mean, who wouldn’t be thrilled to get referenced by Jack Colton himself?

During the episode, Sandy Kominsky (Michael Douglas) is in bad shape. Like terminally. His doctor asks him to think back to happier times in order to (hopefully) help his condition rebound. We’re then treated with a montage which features, among other fond memories, a shot from the Amber Lynn (that’s me) April 1990 Hustler spread. If you’re a Hustler online subscriber, you can see the original pictorial here.

Hustler Magazine April 1990 Cover Photo Amber Lynn

Below you’ll find the Kominsky Method season 2 trailer, and if anyone locates a clip of my little mention – please let me know and I’ll post it here. Michael Douglas won the best actor Golden Globe for the show. So, again – flattered! Made my day. My week, even.

I was also recently mentioned on HBO’s The Deuce – but that’s worthy of its own post. Thanks to my beloved fans for making me aware of that one, too.

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  • Amber Lynn on December 2, 2019
  • Amber Lynn on November 11, 2019
  • Pete Sadlon on November 5, 2019
  • Amber Lynn on November 5, 2019
  • Stephen Kuetbach on November 5, 2019

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Happy Halloween from Amber Lynn

What does everyone think of my 2019 costume? Purrr-fect or what?

Amber Lynn's 2019 Halloween Costume.
Don’t be shy, meow. Fans, it’s meow time to let me know what you think!

Always my favorite time of year… for 2019 I went a bit fantastically feline. Hope everyone enjoys the results! Leave your thoughts in the comments. – Amber

Remembering Buck Adams

Today is the 11th anniversary of the passing of my big brother, Buck Adams, and I’m spending a quiet day missing him.

buck adams

Buck starred in over 600 adult films and had just started a new video production company right before we lost him. He was a 5 time AVN/XRCO award winner, and is a member of the AVN Hall of Fame. Here he is interviewing Lemmy on the Motorhead tour bus circa early 2006.

Buck Adams interviews Lemmy – a conversation for the ages.

I miss my brother every day. If you knew, or have any fond memories of him – please feel free to leave them in the comments. My brother was a great man and a hero to many. He will be missed by all.

Latest Comments (12)

  • Amber Lynn on January 29, 2024
  • Chuck Richards on January 6, 2024
  • Jay on August 29, 2022
  • Amber Lynn on July 16, 2022
  • Guy on June 24, 2022

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The Myth, The Legend, The Rebel – Amber Lynn

amber closeup

And now, the autobiography of Amber Lynn is on its way.

Many people ask me how I did it and how I ever survived ? – I did it, I loved it so what?! I’ve also done many other things and so many people fixate on me as the adult actress and to do so is to rob yourself of knowing the greater parts of me.

My autobiography is about my life and and times in the adult industry as an actress, a live feature entertainer, media personality – but there’s so much more to tell!.

Find out how I did it, and what made me love it, by contributing to my Autobiography funding campaign. I can’t wait to share all the naughty details with my beloved fans.

Latest Comments (3)

  • Amber Lynn on June 2, 2020
  • mylust on December 10, 2019
  • Donato on October 26, 2019

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Update on Amber Lynn’s Biography

My Autobiography IndieGoGo campaign is coming along nicely. We are 16 days away from its conclusion and have some strong promises for contributions that will help bring this exciting project together for my fans.

Amber Lynn Autobiography

I’ve met with multiple publishers and in order to maintain control of the book I need to fund it on my own. There’s still time for you to contribute by shopping our perk store today. Have a look at my original Biography post to see a list of all the fun options.

Also, Autobiographer Geoffrey Mark, who wrote the Ella Fitzgerald biography, is collaborating on my book with me! I’m exciting to have such a talented mentor to help me tell my wild story.

amber lynn radio show 1

That’s not all – there will be a special radio broadcast show next Thursday, October 27th on Rock’N’SeXXXyU, my LATalkRadio show, to talk about the details – and some surprise guests are dropping in who fans wont want to miss! – Love, Amber Lynn 

Be Part of Amber Lynn’s Official Autobiography

The time has come. Yes, I’m finally sitting down to write about my life and all the outrageous adventures from my four decades (and counting) in the adult entertainment industry.

I’ve been working on a draft for years, but could use a little help getting it published and across the finish line. The IndiGoGo campaign for my Autobiography will help bring this wild story to my beloved fan base while also offering everyone who participates amazing incentives and cool ways they can interact with me – you can even get involved in the book’s content by contributing to the foreward as one of the donation perks!

I hope you’re interested in reading the finished project, and might even help me reach my goal of getting a well-thumbed copy on the bedroom shelf of everyone who counts me as one of their favorite starlets.

I’m beyond excited, and I hope you are too. Visit the project’s page now to learn more about what readers can expect – and to review all the fun perks I’ve set up for my fans, including:

  • Personally autographed 8×10 – $40 contribution
  • Personal thank you note – $100
  • Thank you phone call – $250
  • Write a foreward for the book – $1000
  • In Person Autograph Meet/Greet – $2,500
  • Dinner and dancing with Amber – $5,000

Potential branded sponsors can also have their logo printed on the back cover of the book as the top-end perk for $20,000.

Amber Lynn Female Aggressors 1986 poster

That’s just a handful of the available “thank you” options for contributors, and there are plenty below the $40 level. Help me realize my goal and I’ll enjoy showing you some appreciation in return as a bonus. I look forward to interacting with project participants, whether I’m signing a poster you’ve had in your attic since 1986 or meeting you at a fancy LA restaurant for a one-on-one experience!  

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  • naked on December 10, 2019

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