A Puppy Celebration – Meet Godfrey!

I recently wrote about losing the canine love of my life, Mr. Mighty, after a long battle with cancer – and at only seven years of age. Between watching his brave fight, and dealing with my own trauma, I told many friends I’d never be able to bring myself to get another dog.

After 4 months of grieving, the lack of any improvement started to become worrying. I realized I’d have to do something “active” to get on a path to help get around the loss. The “time heals all wounds” saying wasn’t helping, or was at least taking way too long. As they also say, “grief is different for everyone”.

I looked at different options like sponsoring or fostering and then began to consider adoption, but had a hard time making progress. Animal rescue organizations had a plethora of concerns around not having a second dog, or a backyard, etc. While not thrilled at the time, I grew to appreciate how great it is for pets that these groups have so many candidates it allows them to be that selective. Not a bad thing at all.

Just about ready to give up, though, the day came when I met Godfrey!

amber lynn puppy1
Meet Godfrey! My Miniature Schnauzer puppy.

Having learned of a facility specializing in Miniature Schnauzers, I made the 3.5 hour drive with no plans to make any decisions that day. After months of feeling isolated and going through that horrible experience, it was rejuvenating to have all that beautiful farmland to look at, some time to think, and I finally came to the realization – I’ll never replace Mighty. The turning point may have been before I even met the first puppy.

After spending time with several dogs, I was getting ready to leave when a certain little guy noticed me and started pushing larger dogs out of the way to get to my outstretched arms. He jumped right up, began licking my face, and I laughed for the first time in a long while.

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The instant connection I felt was undeniable, and something in me said: “if not now, than never”. After just a few more minutes with him I found myself looking up and saying, “I’ll take him”. It was a decision I did not expect to make, at that moment or possibly ever. It was easy. And I couldn’t believe it.

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur. We stopped at a nearby Petco and stocked up on a carrier, food, a bed and some puppy toys before the ride back to LA. Godfrey looked at his new belongings, then up at me and seemed to ask: “What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”. Back home he was a bit shy but after a couple of days one morning he just woke up with the “zoomies”. That crazy, daily state where your dog runs around like a maniac for an hour was him letting me know he was settled, felt right at home – and things have been terrific ever since.

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The grief is still there, but is different now. Diluted. With the responsibilities of a new puppy the pain doesn’t have time to be as deep, or wide, or as impossible.

I wanted to share my news and also assure anyone reading, who is going through a similar tragedy, that if I can recover it’s likely anyone can.

Latest Comments (5)

  • feetlover on April 17, 2022
  • jack on March 31, 2022
  • Simon on February 21, 2022
  • Bacano on February 20, 2022
  • Fredrik on February 20, 2022

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Amber Lynn Autobiography: Update

Fans and friends: It is with great disappointment I announce after waiting over a long year, through multiple unkept delivery dates (and countless people in my circle of influence past and present being inconvenienced for interviews) the hired writer has failed our book project both in terms of both content and timely delivery.

I am genuinely grateful to all who have already contributed their valuable time for interviews – and my humblest apologies for anyone inconvenienced. At the end of the day, not a word from any of those interviews showed up in the submitted proposal draft by the writer. That was ultimately 💯 unacceptable.

Onward we go, and the good news is there has already been interest in, and a potential new home for the book in terms of both writers and potential publishers.

This is a significant setback for the project as due to these delays we lost the ability to have the book published and out by now, and are in the process of dealing with the fallout. In the meantime, I am not one to sit with setbacks or failure, so we are currently working on bringing in new writer(s) to collaborate with and get this project to completion.

We’ll get there, and I sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience. – Amber

Small World Moment with Amber Joy Layne

You can’t make this sort of thing up. I recently answered a phone call from my agent, Roger Paul, and suddenly found myself speaking to an up and coming comedienne who’d just made an Amber Lynn joke onstage . Because Roger was in the audience! Here’s how it played out…


Apparently, due to her name, people often confuse her with Amber Lynn – or at least give her a hard time about the similarity. Since the evening in question, I’ve gotten to know her material and think she’s absolutely fabulous. If you’d like to see more, follow her on Instagram or check out her many hilarious YouTube videos.

What are the chances?! Nice to (sorta) meet you, Amber Layne! What a funny small world moment.

Amber Lynn Gallery Update – New Photos for Fans

Tonight I’ve added a bunch of photos to the Today and Candids galleries. There’s the time I interviewed Tiffany on the red carpet, recent photos from shoots and around the house – and more!

amber lynn tiffany

Best wishes and Happy Holidays to all my visitors and fans. It’s been another rough year, but things are going to get better. If you have New Years Eve plans, tell us about them in the comments.

Latest Comments (2)

  • Amber Lynn on December 29, 2021
  • Pete S. on December 24, 2021

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Fans – Please Don’t Email. Comment on Posts Instead!

We get so many emails from fans at AmberLynnXXX.com, and I appreciate them all.

For the record – Emails sent through the contact page go to my webmaster and my agent.

If you want to ask questions, say hello or otherwise talk to me, please leave comments on individual posts.

You won’t see the comment/reply feature on the main page feed. If you see a post you want to interact with, click the title to take you to the individual page and, voila! You’ll be able to chat with or ask me, Amber Lynn, anything you want – right there! You can also see my most recent replies in the right hand sidebar under “Talk to Amber“.

Here’s an example, and if you scroll down to the bottom of the post you’ll see the “Leave a Reply” feature. That’s where I want to hear from you. Not via email! I simply don’t see those unless they’re business-related and forwarded to me.

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Don’t email. I don’t read them all. Leave a comment instead!!

Important emails have to be forwarded on to me by my team, but I check the post comments on a daily basis. Let’s turn all those fan emails into comments instead, and start a conversation everyone can enjoy!

I’m missing out on a lot of great communications from all of you, and it’s killing me! So I wrote this post to help fix that. Leave a comment, and let’s talk.

Latest Comments (4)

  • Amber Lynn on November 18, 2021
  • Aaron Scalabrini on October 19, 2021
  • Amber Lynn on October 11, 2021
  • Fredrik on October 11, 2021

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Amber Lynn in StripLV Magazine

UPDATE: The STRIPLV issue featuring me is now launched with a digital version available for purchase ($4.99).

I really enjoyed the interviewer’s questions, and as it turns out we’d even met once before in the mid-80s! We got deep into some subjects I think my fans will enjoy, and working with STRIPLV was a pleasure from start to finish. Not to mention, they take great photos and I’ve included some of them below.

al lv

Almost immediately, I met John Leslie, Jamie Gillis, and Paul Thomas. These guys were beautiful, and they were great actors, and they believed in their craft… There were scripts and crews, and I worked on some of the biggest movies happening back then.

From their website: “STRIPLV Magazine is the only magazine dedicated to bringing you the best of the world’s adult playground, with nude pictorials, along with lifestyle articles, and celebrity interviews and features.”


“I used to go the the junior high school playground and just hang from the monkey bars because my brother (Buck Adams) would say it will stretch your body.”

It was revitalizing to be back in front the camera after the crazy year and a half we’ve had. I was honored to shoot with the amazing Santo Donato, and I can’t wait for everyone to see the results. Here’s one more ’till October.


We got spoiled rotten back then. There was only a handful of performers… it was Traci Lords, myself, Ginger Lynn and a couple of others. Nina Hartley, Christy Canyon – there was like a handful. You could count the majors on one hand.”

I’m back, baby. Back in LA and back to work. Hope everyone else is feeling the same enthusiasm and happiness. See you soon!

Latest Comments (6)

  • Amber Lynn on November 25, 2021
  • Fredrik on November 23, 2021
  • Amber Lynn on October 26, 2021
  • Emc on October 25, 2021
  • Amber Lynn on September 15, 2021

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A Celebration of the Life of my Dog: Mighty.

I have tried to write this memorial message many times, and others have tried to help, and each time it has failed.

How do I find the words when saying goodbye is the last thing I thought I’d be doing today or want to do?

Mighty was not a pet to me. He was my best friend, my baby, my constant companion, my first thought in the AM and my last at night – everything all in one.


I’ve had pets before, and loved them all, but the closeness I felt to Mighty was different, he got me.

I adopted him unexpectedly from TSOL drummer Tiny Biuso, thru actress Krista Allen, as we all advocate for animal rescues – and I am forever grateful to them both for the gift.

I fell for him immediately, 3 pounds of beautiful puppy running wild in my home, and named him accordingly: Mighty. He lived up to his name every day on earth.

He protected his mommy and was my furry entourage and bodyguard for 7 years. We loved and adored each other. He taught me the truest meaning of love, unconditionally.


He was the animal rescue and animal right defense mascot for my radio show, Rock’N’SeXXXy Uncensored, and lots of help was granted in his honor to animals in need all over the world, time and time again.

At 7 years old, the last thing I thought would happen is Cancer. It came suddenly, and I fought it with everything I had, but on October 2nd, 2021 – I lost my best friend in the whole world and it took me to my knees.

I have no words to express the depth of pain and loss I feel today. Truly, the only emotion greater in me is the gratitude I have for the love, companionship and joy Mighty brought me over the last 7 years. A large part of my heart left the day Mighty did, and I am crushed inside and will never be the same.

amber mighty

May you be running free without sickness or pain and know Mommy loves and misses you each and every moment. My love will be with you, always.

❤ Mighty’s Mom

Latest Comments (13)

  • John Forbes on December 17, 2022
  • Amber Lynn on July 20, 2022
  • Niki Noor on July 16, 2022
  • Amber Lynn on July 16, 2022
  • David morrison on July 9, 2022

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Remembering Victoria Paris

I just found out that the beautiful Victoria Paris has passed away. Very sad news, as we were once very close friends, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite memories.

amber lynn and victoria paris
Victoria Pars and Amber Lynn at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993.

My favorite photo of us is this one from a press junket at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993 but we had many adventures together. Victoria co-hosted my 28th birthday party at the Bel Age Hotel which was a benefit for the Youth Aids Foundation and the first of its kind associated with the adult industry. She even enlisted famed LA designer, Michael Roche from Addictions boutique, and co-designed the dress I wore to my birthday event with him – in gratitude I gifted her a silk Versace dinner purse. I was that flattered.

Victoria Paris

She was my special guest when I traveled to France to receive the Hot d’Or Lifetime Achievement Award, after which we traveled to London with Ciro Orsini to see Guns n’ Roses on their Paradise City tour. What a long and wonderful trip with the best companion I could have ever asked for.

She was an exquisite and gorgeous woman, a talented performer and extremely thoughtful friend. I will always cherish the Versace bracelet and Paddington Bear she gifted me. We used to love to dress to the nines, lunch in the best restaurants and travel the world together.

As the years passed, we went our separate ways, on our own separate personal journeys, but I always wished her well. I was thrilled to bump into her not too long ago at our favorite Coffee Bean in MDR, and to be introduced to her new husband – as she glowed with happiness. My last memory of Victoria Paris, happy and in love, will be treasured forever.

I was truly heartbroken to hear her life was cut short by cancer, and my sincerest heartfelt condolences go out to her husband, family and friends. Rest well, sweet Sheila. Another angel has gotten her wings. May she rest in peace knowing how much she was loved.

Latest Comments (6)

  • Amber Lynn on January 24, 2022
  • Simon on January 24, 2022
  • Amber Lynn on August 23, 2021
  • Beavwarius on August 22, 2021
  • Amber Lynn on August 20, 2021

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Amber Lynn on FCK.FM Radio & Magazine

When FCK.FM radio asked if they could interview me for their new Naughty Lifestyles feature, I immediately agreed as I’ve been a fan of their “It’s Loud – It’s Hard” style for a while now. Happy to announce I was just featured in the May edition!

“This month was the premier of our new category called “Naughty Lifestyles“, an Interview/Article that will monthly host celebrities, personalities and common people who make their lifes more interesting by having a kinky way of living it. Famous adult star, actress, radio host and celebrity Amber Lynn opened up with an exclusive interview for the newest installment on the FCK.FM MAG´s catalog, and we couldn´t thank her enough, for she is a wonderful and beautiful metalhead, and she truly Rocks All the Way!”


Amber Lynn on Holly Randall Unfiltered

One of my favorite interviews ever, it was a delight to be featured on Holly Randall Unfiltered this week. Wow, we covered a whole lot of topics, and I hope everyone enjoys the episode.

Some of the topics we cover:

  • My older brothers, Buck Adams, and their muscle car gang.
  • Getting into magazines and eventually “the industry”.
  • Mötley Crüe, the Rainbow room, T.S.O.L. and fake IDs.
  • Hustler, Lonn Friend and Althea Flynt. How to micro-manage partying.
  • Van tennis shoes and when my family first figured things out.
  • The legend, Bill Margold. I really miss him.
  • My first time working with Tom Byron and learning what showing “big pink” meant. And windy big rigs.
  • Memories of making the classic, Vixens in Heat.
  • Shauna Grant, French Poodles and my professional epiphany.
  • What it means to be a Virgo. AVN memories. “Bomb threat my ass”.
  • Our own little world. Up to no good in Las Vegas with Sharon Mitchell.
  • How weird it is to realize you’re famous. Hotel room parties.
  • The value of recovery and getting clean.
  • Being the first star to ever do a little certain something in Devil and Miss Jones 3.
amber lynn holly randall

Hope everyone enjoys this conversation with Holly as much as I did. If you have any questions about our lengthy discussion – please leave a comment! What a fun trip down memory lane.

Stay tuned – I’ve got more interviews, news on movie projects and my autobiography coming soon.

Latest Comments (2)

  • David on February 3, 2025
  • Amber Lynn on April 28, 2021

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