Disclaimer: Ron deserves his day in court and is innocent until proven guilty under the laws of the land. The opinions which follow are my own, which I feel motivated to share, but they obviously do not overrule Ron’s eventual judgement in a court of law.
Working with Ron Jeremy
One of the questions I’m most often asked by fans and interviewers is, “What was it like to work with Ron Jeremy?” Or whether I’m still friends with him, or even what’s my favorite Ron Jeremy memory?
“Next question” is my usual response. Prior to the news regarding the accusations against him a few years ago – my memories of Ron Jeremy were still not especially “fond”.
I had always been guarded (especially with my blouse buttons and skirt) around Ron and admit, that because I worked with him as talent on multiple movies (as director/talent, talent/director, etc.), I thought of him as an old friend and respected colleague. That has changed, and I now regret not confronting him about his behavior at that time.
His off-screen antics and personal hygiene were never my business. Here’s the thing – Ron is, and has always been, this “elephant in the room” with a reputation everyone tiptoes around. “It’s ok if Uncle Chester is a molester. We won’t allow that to ruin Thanksgiving dinner again!”
Alarming (if Overdue) Realizations
Coming to terms with him being an alleged rapist and sexual predator has been a harder leap for many friends, fans and colleagues to make. Ron has never assaulted me personally but has been knowingly overly-inappropriate, on many occasions, to my discomfort and embarrassment.
It has gotten to the point (more than once) where I’ve had to physically stop him to get his hands off me – and he has behaved in a similar manner with my radio show guests, co-hosts, fellow talent and friends. It wasn’t until I sat down with women I respected, and listened to them tell me their personal stories, that the picture became clear. Despite our professional history, I could no longer ignore the obvious.
If It Walks and Talks Like a Hedgehog – It’s a Hedgehog
I will not support a sexual predator, famous friend or not. Based on personal experiences and conversations with additional women (outside of those already involved in his current litigation) Ron is fully to blame for his predicament. Innocent until proven guilty, always, but when literal dozens of women – none of whom knew each other before this situation – have all had almost the exact same experience…
I pray that justice prevails and no more harm comes to industry newcomers or anyone else. From Ron (highly unlikely due to his current condition) or other snakes in the business. If nothing else, perhaps all this shady history coming to light will lead to larger changes concerning the personal safety of actors in adult films. I want to voice support for the women coming forward to accuse him of wrongdoing. It’s unlikely to be an accident when this many plaintiffs are involved, and I’d be interested to hear from any adult industry peers or “civilians” as to their experiences with Ron.
An Unpleasant Phone Call From Ron
Upon having a moment of clarity I actually confronted Ron as he called me one day to tell “his side” of the story shortly after the allegations arose. I showed him the palm of my hand (verbally) and said, “Don’t try to tell me 30 women are all lying! you hurt people I care about and respect.Don’t ever call me again unless it’s to ask me to help you take responsibility for what you’ve done, and make amends to those you have harmed. I so truly believe you are sick, Ron.”
To my surprise, he then actually tried to imply a veiled threat. I assured him a move like that would be his biggest mistake – then hung up, and that was it. Instead of wasting any more time on Ron Jeremy, I have chosen instead to turn my attention to those he’s affected whom I might be able to help somehow, and will continue to do so. We haven’t spoken since, and I’m happy to keep it that way.
Ron Jeremy is Not Competent to Stand Trial
And the saga certainly continues. Most recently, two additional women have accused him of “heinous sexual acts” at the Rainbow Room – and have gone a step further by charging the venue itself with negligence. This is in addition to the 21 women involved in the initial case, and after a judge declared him incompetent to stand trial (due to dementia) back in January, 2023 – a development that added a new layer to the already complex proceedings. The dementia factor could potentially impact how the court perceives Jeremy’s ability to participate in his defense and comprehend the implications of the charges against him.
While I wouldn’t wish dementia on anyone, it certainly concerns me in regards to what is going to happen next. It’s troubling to think that if this diagnosis is genuine, he may never be aware of the eventual outcome. And that is a shame stacked on top of a shame.
In Defense of the Rainbow Room
I have been going to the Rainbow Room for many, many years since – I was 18 years old – and the establishment has a very special place in my heart. I was never raped or assaulted in the bathroom there, or assaulted by Ron (or anyone else) and have a very hard time believing for a moment they are culpable in his transgressions in any way.
They have always treated me with respect (and like family) whenever I drop in. It bothers me that they’re being associated with the misdeeds of certain patrons. They would never stand behind that sort of behavior, and (while I absolutely choose to believe the victims) it’s an unfortunate association I hope will be cleared up in time.
Because… I was weaned on Rainbow Pizza and Rock’N’Roll at that place, and celebrated my birthday there annually for years – right up until the pandemic, I think of it as an old friend where all of us (famous or not) are just a bunch of rocker kids on the rug. I have been there through my drunkest days, and my many years of sobriety, alike. My love for the Rainbow Room, its staff and regular patrons, has never changed.
It’s heartbreaking that his out of control behavior might take down a historic monument to Los Angeles, the Sunset Strip and Rock’N’Roll in general – that we all cherish and respect. The thought alone is just heartbreaking.
The Rainbow Room should not be tarred with the brush of Ron Jeremy’s recent unfortunate legacy, and the truth is likely to relfect that when it all finally comes out!
And it Hasn’t Stopped There…
After a long lack of news or updates since the competency hearing back in January, the unsubstantiated Rainbow Room situation has been accompanied by more revelations. Between his bank account and four condos in the L.A. area, Mr. Ronald Hyatt is apparently worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $4,000,000.00. That’s got to be a record in regards to porn star net worth, and proof of how successful Ron has been at branching out into other areas of entertainment. Which makes the potential scope of his alleged actions all the more troubling.
A Tribute to Their Courage
Lesson learned, by all of us, and there will not be a seat at the Thanksgiving table for Uncle Chester this year. All the best to the women who are now making him accountable.
If you were a victim of Ron, and need support during the upcoming trial (however it may play out), I invite you to reach out to me via a comment on this post, or by email if privacy is a concern.
Hello, Amber how are you? I just wanted to say I feel that Ron deserves everything he has coming to him, and then some. His actions should’nt be justified whatsoever wrong is wrong at the end of the day. With that being said…. Are you single? Dating anyone possibly? Would you consider dating a fan? You are quite beautiful I must say. ❤️
“i’m a pornstar but don’t you dare look at me sexually” Ron may or not be guilty, but I don’t believe in guilty until proven innocent
as the amber heard and johnny depp trial showed, women do in fact lie
so until compelling evidence comes out, I stand with ron
it’s funny how so many pornstars like you accuse men of sexual assault for simply ogling you in public
newsflash, while we do respect you as a human being and I nor any sane person wishes harm on no one
the fact is you guys are famous for your t&a, that’s what brought you to the dance
Hi, Jon.
You mention that porn stars dress suggestively, and how it’s why we got to the dance. And how we shouldn’t be surprised when women are… objectified? I think we’re having two different conversations here. You’re confusing drooling with abuse.
Ron’s accusers number about 30 at this point, and and only a handful were pornstars. There are also “civilian” women and at least 2 underage girls!
I can only speak for myself, and I spoke truthfully in this article. Ron did not rape or assault me (but only because I forcibly stopped him more than once).
To your comment – it looks like we will never know, because Ron is now playing the best acting role of his life. Or not. Either way, he will never see a court outcome or jail time.
Furthermore, working professionally in the adult industry does not negate a woman’s right to boundaries over her body, or the LAW. It’s a profession, whether you like it or not, so go ahead and stand for Ron.
Just stand way over there👉 … away from me.
Hello Amber, it’s nice to meet you.
I have enjoyed seeing your work over the years, and have always been enamored of what I call your “spunky attitude”. Knowing it would never happen, I used to wonder how I would act if I encountered your presence in person, without the bodyguards or handlers being around. I know how I would NOT act, because you just don’t treat a lady like you would a piece of meat.
Anyway, I just hoped to let you know there are a few of us out here that appreciate your work and don’t expect you to just jump in the sack with anybody. I am pretty sure that Laura Allen is not the same person as Amber Lynn.
About the subject at hand, or the 800 pound Hedgehog in the room. I feel bad that you had to work with someone that turned out that way. I would guess that ego played a big part in it, but nonetheless it was wrong for him to be that way and I am happy that you could control him in your particular situation.
Please, keep up the good work and if you ever come to Florida give me a heads-up and I’ll have a fishing pole all ready for you.
Be safe!
Thanks, Rex. Nice to meet a long time fan.
Unbelievably SHOCKING that they are releasing him! I don’t care if he’s sick— HES STILL A RAPIST! What judge would allow a serial RAPIST out?!? This is a traumatizing all over again! LA County should be ashamed!!
Ron Jeremy raped me on December 12, 1997. Amber Lynn was the first industry woman I spoke to who really saw my pain and tried to help. Thank you, Amber. Great article.
Thank You Charity, for your comment. I appreciate your contribution and wish you continued healing.
Thank you for your reply, Jenn. It has been such a gift to be a part of your healing process and witness your truth. I am honored to call you a friend.
My experiences with Ron have always been good, i told girls with me that he can be handy but respects the word no…he always did. It bothers me to see Ron these days because I dont think the girls are all making it up but I can only judge my experiences with him. I m sad to see dementia taking him over he remembered my name after meeting me just once…I would offer a correction, the idea that Ronnie is worth 4m or even 4k is ludicrous, he lived hand to nouth all his life and has few assests that are liquid. He doesnt own 1 condo much less 4. I think the industry owes him better they encouraged his over the top personna until it wasnt cool to do so snd then they turned on him instead of suggesting he tone it down or whatever, but thats how the business works, performers are throw away, even the best known ones. I hopr Ronnie eventually finds peace.
Mike South yes you may use my name.
Dear Mike South:
You are a valued member of the adult community whom I respect greatly, and I love that you took the time to leave a comment here. Your right to voice your own opinion, whether we agree on individual topics or not, is the definition of free speech. That said, on the subject of Ron Jeremy, I have to wholeheartedly push back on some of your points.
I know women personally who say they were raped by Ron, as opposed to just being annoyed by a lecherous creep (not acceptable either). One of whom was held down while she begged him to stop, crying out in hopes someone else would hear her. Another told me he broke into an apartment she was staying in by cutting through a locked screen (what?!) before attacking her while she was in the shower. Both women resisted, and say they clearly said “NO”. In which case he clearly would have known he was violating them. While I wasn’t present for either event, my faith in these women, and personal experiences with Ron, leave me having to draw conclusions (as you said) based on my own pubic encounters. It’s my reality, and I can’t apologize for it.
In an Industry built on CONSENT this version of events violates the very foundation of our collective values, and oaths as performers, that NO MEANS NO. As does using his fame to discredit these women so others doubt them, instead of owning and admitting his behavior. Obviously, the fact others did not experience or witness certain events does not make them false, any more than my intuition makes them true.
But what I CAN personally attest to is this: I stopped him once from forcibly ramming his fingers into my vagina (through my underwear) while fully dressed. We were socializing in a public place with other colleagues, and not filming a fantasy on a movie set. By “stop”, I mean I had to kick him so hard in the shin, wearing platform shoes, I’m surprised he could walk for a week afterwards. But by then I was a tough girl, who had dealt with a lot of uninvited advances. I can only imagine what would have transpired with a newcomer or more demure female. And I’m sure there are peers who remember how my brother Buck threatened to severely beat his ass if he ever touched me again. Nobody imagined that.
As for his net worth and properties, while I got that number from a Daily Mail article (linked to in the original post and forwarded to me by a fan) I didn’t question the details. This is due to, again, my own unique experiences. I personally walked through (around 2005) his studio, one bedroom and two bedroom units in the Hollywood Tower condos because (as a licensed real estate agent) he wanted my help in finding tenants. There are property deeds of public record, and this is another fact I know I didn’t imagine. The article’s estimate may not have been 2023 current, but were definitely based in some fact which I can attest to.
Lastly, and maybe you didn’t mean it in a certain way, Mike – I don’t subscribe to the idea that any adult performer is disposable. I believe in the bravery of every soul who has ever graced a screen and the importance of their contributions. Their worth doesn’t change because they get older or lose popularity as time passes. They create a legacy which is forever (thanks, internet), irreversible, and hopefully they all realize that going in. Involvement in this industry takes courage and is difficult enough without (alleged) complications like Ron Jeremy.
Respectfully (and I mean that, Mike),
– Amber Lynn®️
Thanks, Marie. It’s a lot to get your head around, isn’t it?
Well written, and well said, Amber! The stories coming out about RJ are so extreme I sometimes wonder if half of them are true. But, as you basically said, where there’s smoke, there is usually fire. Thanks for speaking out. – M